Parent Teacher Conferences

Reminder: The regular March Board of Education meeting will be Monday, March 10th at 6:30pm in the RCES library, instead of the usual third Monday due to spring break.

Rawlins County USD 105 will have a 1:00 early Dismissal tomorrow Friday March 7, 2025.

Girls Sub-State Finals Friday

From the Counselor's Corner: RCHC Students, Wednesday, March 26, from 10:00-2:00 the Colby Community College Criminal Justice department will be hosting a career fair. This focuses on all things under the Criminal Justice 'umbrella' and will allow students to know what kinds of opportunities are available to them with a CJ degree. Students will meet faculty and industry professionals from the Department of Wildlife and Parks, Kansas Highway Patrol, Department of Children and Families, and more! Job opportunities in criminal justice include:
Forensic Psychologist
Intelligence Analyst
Youth Correctional Counselor
Private Investigator
Criminal Profiler
Investigative Reporter
Public Safety or Correctional Officer
Victim Advocate
Probation or Parole Officer
There will be 20-30 industry professionals from roughly 11+ different organizations present, the ability to drive a golf cart with impairment goggles (weather permitting), and more.
If you are interested in attending please sign up outside of Mrs. Bowles' office.

RCHS students interested in attending Fort Hays Tech Northwest - Goodland, their Spring Tech Expo will be held March 12th from 9:00 am - 1:30 pm. Students will have the opportunity to tour four different programs they are interested in. If interested, please sign up outside Mrs. Bowles' office. www.fhnw.edu

Due to weather and school cancellation, the Entrepreneurship Fair is rescheduled to Monday, March 10th at the Shirley Opera House with the same schedule:
🕐 Judging: 1-3 PM
👥 Public Viewing: 2:15 PM
🏆 Awards: 3:15 PM
We appreciate your understanding!

Rawlins County will not have school onTuesday, March 4th due to the Blizzard Warning and projected high winds.

Join us for Read Across America Week!

Congratulations to our Crop Card winners this week at RCES! We have been working on the character word: HONESTY. We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Reminder: There will be no school tomorrow (Thursday) or Friday for all students

Rescheduled for Monday March 10. 2024-25 Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge

Attention RCHS Seniors planning to attend CCC in the Fall of 2025:
The application window for the Presidential and Leadership Scholarships at Colby Community College is currently open
Simply apply at Colby Community College and complete your scholarship application in Award Spring to get started
The deadline to apply for the Presidential and Leadership scholarships is March 24th.

Attention male RCHS Sophomores and Juniors, please see information below regarding The American Legion Boys State of Kansas:
- There is no maximum number of delegates a post or school can send
- The cost to attend is $375, with $325 coming from a sponsor or Legion Post
- Who – Young men who are Juniors (preferred), or Sophomores in the 24-25
school year
- When – Sunday, June 1st through Saturday, June 7th, 2025
- Where – Kansas State University in Manhattan
- Why – To learn leadership skills in a learning-by-doing environment that
can be utilized in your school and community
- How – Apply at www.ksbstate.org
Bonuses – College Credit from K-State and Scouting Merit Badges can now be
earned for Boys Staters! There is also a college fair with over 40 college
and trade schools attending and the opportunity to earn scholarships from
$500 to $10,000! And opportunities for strength and conditioning for Fall
sports requirements.

Due to the condition of the county roads, and to insure the safety of our students and drivers, we will run hard surface routes tomorrow, Wed. February 26th for both AM and PM routes. Ludell students will be picked up and dropped off in a van, all other routes will be on normal hard surface pick up and drop offs.

Sub-State Basketball tonight.

Due to the condition of the county roads, and to insure the safety of our students and drivers, we will run hard surface routes tomorrow, Tuesday, February 25th for both AM and PM routes.. Ludell students will be picked up and dropped off in a van, all other routes will be on normal hard surface pick up and drop offs.

Upcoming events

Attention RCHS Juniors and Seniors:
The spring College of Health and Behavioral Sciences Day at Fort Hays State University, will be held Friday, April 4, 2025.
Students will:
Visit all six departments in the College of Health and Behavioral Sciences (Allied Health, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Health and Human Performance, Nursing, Psychology, and Social Work).
Learn about academic, career, and other unique educational opportunities within the departments.
Tour academic facilities, including clinical and simulation labs.
Engage with faculty, staff, and students in each department.
For more information and to sign up for this exciting event, please go to:
Once registration has processed, a confirmation will be emailed with additional information, please watch for that email to come up to 24 hours after registration.
Registration will close Monday, March 31st, or earlier if we they reach capacity.
Students will have to provide transportation to/from this event.
From the RCHS Student Handbook:
Juniors and seniors desiring to visit a college campus in order to explore possible enrollment are required to schedule these visits ahead of time. The process, along with required form and written parent’s/guardian permission, will insure an excused absence and provide for an efficient use of school time by the student and college representatives alike. 1-2 visits for Juniors, 2-3 visits for Seniors. However, administration may approve more visits if needed.

Congratulations to our CROP card winners this week! Since we had a short week with the snow we are waiting until next week to give out the Character Cup. All our students did a great job with all the snow and cold that was thrown in their way this week. We are proud of how well they have been doing with indoor recess and being respectful of our rules. Give all 200 of them a big hug and tell them they are doing great. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!