Textbook & Technology Fees

Textbook Fees

Textbook Fees are based on the meal application:

  • If you qualify for reduced price meals - you qualify for reduced price textbooks

  • If you qualify for free meals - you qualify for free qualification price textbooks


Full Price

Reduced Price

Free Qualification Price

K - 6




7 - 12




Families cap out at $240 for full book price, $120 for reduced book price, and $40 for free book price.

Technology Fees

Technology Fees are based on the meal application.

  • If you qualify for reduced price meals - you qualify for reduced price technology fees

  • If you qualify for free meals - you qualify for free qualification price technology fees


Full Price

Reduced Price

Free Qualification Price

K - 12




K-6 Extra milk prices

  • Semester -$30.00

  • Year-$60.00