Athletic Policy

USD 105 Information for Week of September 21st

Dear USD 105 Community,

I wanted to give information related to the USD 105 Board of Education's decision to move to remote learning from September 22 through at least September 28th. September 21st will be an inservice day for teachers to prepare for remote learning. Activities and practices are cancelled through at least September 28th.

The USD 105 Board of Education made its decision based on multiple active cases of COVID in each school, active cases of COVID within district operations, and based off of a large number of students and staff in quarantine. USD 105 will take this week to evaluate our situation related to COVID and Remote Learning. The USD Board of Education will reevaluate on September 28th.

This was a difficult decision and we understand how it affects our students, teachers, families, and community. Our district believes in-person learning is vital to the success of our students and we want to have our students and staff back in our buildings as soon as possible.

Eric Stoddard

USD 105

USD 105 Community

Dear USD 105 Community,

We have been informed by the Rawlins County Public Health Department that our district has multiple positive tests for COVID-19.

With the new positive cases and quarantine mandates USD 105 will go to Full Remote Learning for the next two weeks, with students returning to school on September 30th.  USD 105 will dismiss school at 1:30 today.  All activities and practices are cancelled until September 30th.  

USD 105 and the Rawlins County Public Health Department are working together to identify close contacts of the individuals.

If you DO NOT receive a phone call, and you feel your child is a close contact, please call Rawlins County Public Health Department at 785-626-3968.   In the meantime, know that USD 105 will continue with our safety and health protocols.  These protocols include recommending masks, sanitizing hands, wiping down equipment and other sanitizing processes.  Don't Panic-we will get through this together.  

We also want to take this opportunity to remind you that one of our core values as a district is respect for and among our employees and students.  We will treat information regarding the identity of employees/students with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 as confidential to the extent feasible and we will comply with applicable laws regarding the handling of such information.  Further, per district policy, we will not tolerate harassment of, or discrimination or retaliation against, employees and students.   

Please contact Eric Stoddard, Superintendent at (785) 626-3236 if you have any questions or concerns.  


Eric Stoddard