
The Scholastic Art Show is a state level art show and they recently announced their winners. This is a prestigious show that will exhibit the selected student art work for one month in Liberal, KS. Students who have pieces of art selected for this show can be offered scholarships by a variety of colleges. Any pieces that receive an American Vision Award (Best of Show) or a Gold Key will be eligible to have their artwork judged for the National Show held in New York City this coming summer. Winners of the National Show are announced in the spring.  

The local art student recipients are as follows:

American Vision Award (Best of Show):

Xanthier Brenn - (watercolor) "The Open Road"

Gold Keys:

Clara Kastens - (mixed media) "A Quite Moment in Venice"

Clara Kastens - (drawing) "A Stroll Through Medieval Times"

Clara Kastens - (drawing) "Glistening Night"

Clara Kastens - (drawing) "Lady of the Lake"

Xanthier Brenn - (batik) "Sunset Serenade"

Silver Keys:

Xara Brenn - (drawing) "Colorful Personal Self Reflection"

Andrea Romero - (drawing) "Grumpy Ribbit"

Josie Ginther - (drawing) "Street of Silver"

Clara Kastens - (painting) "Tumultuous Sea"

Riya Casper - (drawing) "Vintage Sounds"

Honorable Mentions:

Riya Casper - 1HM

Jazmin Rodriguez - 1HM

Congratulations to these art students on their hard work! We can't wait to see what the future holds at our upcoming art shows!art award winners