Rawlins County JH/HS history classes attend Rawlins County Historical Society Annual dinner and event
January 29, 2024
Students of Rawlins County JH/HS history teachers, Ami Klein and Jen Melia, attend the Rawlins County Historical Society Annual dinner and event. This year the evening's entertainment was a Rawlins County History Trivia Game. Each student was able to bring home their very own copy of The Time that Was: The Second Forty Years, 1915-1955 by Ruth Kelly Hayden due to the gracious donation from the Rawlins County Historical Society and Museum.
back row- Ami Klein, Tayten Dewey, Braxton Dixson, Dustin Pearce, Eli Holle, Henry Holle, Tatum Domsch, Tommy McFee.
middle row-Clara Kastens, Antionette Brungardt, Xavia Brenn, Paige Lankas, Addison Schilde, Haley Parsons, Kayci Dirks, Jen Melia
front row- Kimberly Rippe, Reese Withington, Will Holle and Nathan Kopriva