RCES Modified Quarantine

RCES modified quarantine plan 

These guidelines apply only to those identified as close contacts and needing to quarantine via USD 105 and Rawlins County Health Department tracing. 

This plan is contingent on having available staff to accommodate.

  • USD 105 will not provide transportation to students on modified quarantine.

  • Sometimes students are exposed outside of school, thus not having a teacher under quarantine with them. These situations will be resolved on a case by case basis. (ie. If we have available staff, they can come to school, but if we do not, students may have to work remotely.)

  • Teachers have the option to quarantine at home and teach remotely if they are uncomfortable teaching in person during quarantine.

  • Students have the option to quarantine at home and participate in remote learning if they are uncomfortable attending school during quarantine. 

  • If a family member or someone living in the home of a student or teacher tests positive, that student or teacher must complete their quarantine at home (while participating in remote learning or teaching).

  • If quarantined students or teachers show 2 or more symptoms from the USD 105 health check, they will finish their quarantine from home unless they receive negative test results.

USD 105 will mandate that all students and staff on modified quarantine will wear a mask according to Executive Order 20-59. If you do not want your student to wear a mask, they will need to participate in remote learning.

We will adjust our daily schedule to prevent exposure of non-quarantined students and staff.


Arrival time

Dismissal time


Before 7:40 am or at 8:10 am

4:20 pm


Not before 8:20 am, but no later than 8:30 am

4 pm

*Please be as close to these times as possible and use your discretion to avoid others who are not on quarantine. 

What will the school day look like for modified quarantine?

Beginning of the day: Students and teachers will undergo temperature checks at the front entrance at the times stated above. If teachers arrive before the person doing checks, they must check in with their temperature in the office before students arrive. Anyone measuring 99.0° F or higher should receive a more accurate temperature check and in-depth symptom screening. Students will go straight to their classrooms or the designated quarantine room and wash their hands thoroughly before starting their morning routine. 

Middle of the day: Medical professionals will recheck temperatures and note any possible symptoms on their checklists. Students will wash hands thoroughly before and after lunch.  

End of the day: Medical professionals will recheck temperatures and note any possible symptoms on their checklists. 

Students will participate in their normal schedule from within their classrooms, or the designated quarantine room as assigned.

Restroom breaks will be in classrooms for K-2 students. 3-6 students will use the designated “quarantine bathroom” at assigned times when possible. 

Breakfast and Lunch will be in the classrooms or designated quarantine room as well as lunch recess. Breakfast and lunch will be dropped off at the door to be distributed to students.

SPECIALS: Due to different comfort levels and circumstances, specials teachers will have the option to chose: 

  1. Give students live remote lessons to complete within their quarantined classroom. A para or staff member will be in the classroom to assist.

  2. Go into those quarantined classrooms with masks and remain 6 feet away from students/staff on quarantine.

  3. Take students outside and maintain social distancing throughout the lesson.(Only available when others are not outside.)


Recesses will be scheduled at times when no other classes are outside when possible. Students may bring toys from home to play with. They will be kept in the field and away from school play equipment.

Quarantined students and staff should not participate in any activities that involve interaction with non-quarantined students and staff. This includes before and after school care and all school-related activities.  

USD 105 will encourage students and staff to follow quarantine guidelines outside of school.

In order to prevent extended isolation from peers and colleagues, this plan is limited to a maximum of 2 consecutive 14 day quarantine cycles at a time. If they are re-exposed within the same class more than this, they will then go remote for the next 14 day quarantine. After that, we will reassess and determine if it is acceptable to go back to the building. 

*These guidelines will be strictly enforced in order to prevent the spread COVID-19 as much as possible.